NeverEnding: Bring Your Stories To Life

NeverEnding: Bring Your Stories To Life | crit academy

#CritNation! This is my new favorite kickstarter! NeverEnding, Inc.'s product allows you to easily capture and relive your favorite and most memorable roleplaying game moments as a short comic or cartoon!

The customization seems nearly endless! I feel you could almost use it to summarize an entire adventure or campaign. Customizable art and character images extend beyond just armors, weapons, but also to a plethora of different poses. This allows you to truly catch the epic moment of your stories and campaigns. The coolest thing about it is that it doesn't require any sort of programing or artistic skills to toss your story together.

This character builder, scene builder and story animator is something that can really help bring all your epic moments alive for you to share friends, family and the world.

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself here!

Help bring it to life before the campaign ends in less than a week!

Make sure to follow them on social media to keep updated on their progress.


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